:: introduction

:: schedule

:: transportation

:: accomodations

:: registration form

:: keynote speaker

:: creative speaker

:: about NEXUS

:: NEXUS 2006

:: call for papers

:: contact



A sampling of taxi companies in Knoxville include (*recommended):
  • Big Orange Express | (865) 694-8979
  • *West Side Taxi | (865) 523-3400
  • A Negotiable Taxi | (865) 384-8601
  • College Cab | (865) 523-2537
  • Odyssey Airport Taxi | (865) 577-6767
  • Yellow Cab | (865) 523-5151


Knoxville’s downtown area also has a free trolley line.

Conference-goers can ride the trolley on Friday from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. and the late night trolley runs from 6 p.m.-3:30 a.m. (This trolley line is open to the general public.) During the day, the trolley runs every 10 minutes, and during the evening it runs every 15 minutes.

On Saturday, conference-goers will be able to ride free of charge a reserved trolley for the conference. (Only conference-goers will be allowed to ride this trolley.) The trolley will clearly be marked with a sign labeled NEXUS, and the trolley will stop at regular intervals at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, the Holiday Inn, and the University Center on campus beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 7 p.m.

As the complete map of the trolley lines on the following page indicates, the Orange Line serves a circular route between West Summit Hill Drive (where the Crowne Plaza is located) and the University of Tennessee campus. There is a stop close to the Student Center on Cumberland Avenue, between Phillip Fulmer Way and Volunteer Blvd.

The Late Line serves a route from campus through the Old Town. There are stops on Cumberland, as listed above, on Gay Street near the Crowne Plaza, and in the Historic Old City District.

A complete map of the Trolley Lines is available at the KAT website:


Knoxville Area Transit (KAT) buses run between the intersection at Cumberland & James Agee (at the UT end) and Gay Street & Summit Hill (at the Downtown end); they do not run as often as the trolley does, but below please see the listed times that fill in the gaps, so to speak, around the Trolley Line.

From UT to Downtown:

Route 11: Weekdays: 6:30 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m.
Saturday: On the hour, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Night Rider: Weekdays: On the half-hour, 7:15 p.m. to Midnight
Saturday: On the half-hour, 7:15 p.m. to Midnight

Fares: One way $1.25

UT Transit Information Line: (865) 637-3000


Parking tags will be provided free of charge for those attendees who asked for a permit when registering for the conference.

Upon arriving to the conference, conference-goers should park in the University Center (UC) Parking Garage, located adjacent to the University Center, and proceed to the second floor of the University Center, rooms 218 on Friday and/or 216 on Saturday, to pick up these tags when they receive their registration packets.

The UC Garage is also within walking distance to the Hodges Library, where the film Theologians Under Hitler will be shown. The garage, UC, and library are all handicap accessible.

The UC and the entrance to the UC Garage are located along Philip Fulmer Way. A campus map is available in .PDF here:



The keynote address and the creative reading will take place off-campus in downtown Knoxville.

The keynote address will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, located at 401 W. Summit Hill Dr., Knoxville, TN 37902.

The creative reading will take place at the UT Downtown Gallery, located at 106 South Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902.

The Crowne Plaza Hotel and the Downtown Gallery are approximately one block away from the each other. Parking options for these events, due to their proximity, will be similar.

Street Parking

Street parking in downtown Knoxville is free after 6 p.m. and free all day on weekends. Street parking is available along many of the streets in downtown Knoxville. The link below will take you to a Downtown Parking map.

Parking Garages

Public parking garages are also free after 6 p.m. and on weekends, but we must emphasize that this applies to only public parking garages. Three such garages are available:
  1. State St. Garage (Near the corner of Clinch and State)
  2. Market Square Garage (Near the intersection of Walnut and Union)
  3. Locust St. Garage (Near the corner of Locust and Union)
The Market Square Garage is probably the best option, as it is located only a block from the Crowne Plaza Hotel and about two blocks from the Downtown Gallery. Also, a map highlighting available parking downtown is linked in .PDF:


Note: Maps and information will also be made available to you upon registration.
Made possible by The Department of English and The University of Tennessee :: Site design by Devon Asdell